It is a sad time here at Scrap Addict with so many changes going on. In case you haven't been by the store lately, it no longer exists. The brick and mortar store is gone and the web store is down to only selling the last of the kits. The last of the SA kits will be rolling out the door soon and that will signify the end of an era. Not to cry, though, Felicia is moving on to some pretty exciting things and we aren't planning on closing down the community. There will still be challenges and chatting. Some of the Design Team members are taking over the running of the message boards and it will likely be moved to a new server. This little community has been around too long to be disbanded, and some of us feel like it is our online home. A few of us even have it set as our homepage, but we won't name names. ;)
Enjoy the last few weeks of summer before school starts up and enjoy the last of the great Scrap Addict kits. But don't be a stranger. Come hang out with us on the boards and upload your work. We still love scrapping and sharing our work and we still want you to be part of our community.
7/14 Monday Challenge
Oh yes, it's Monday and that means there are challenges to be had! Let's start with our regular Monday challenge which involved title placement. I want you to put that title right on a photo in your layout.
I've seen this a bit lately and it was really fun when I gave it a try.
Now to the ad challenge. Jill sent me this one and I happened to have a photo on my desk that worked really well for it. It was a heritage photo where some of the people weren't very happy to be there but it's 4 generations and a fun one to have.
So grab a photo (or 2 or 3....make it work!) and see what you can do with it. I know it's a landscape design but again....make it work!
You can do it....yes, as I do my cheerleader back handsprings. I know you can! :)

Now to the ad challenge. Jill sent me this one and I happened to have a photo on my desk that worked really well for it. It was a heritage photo where some of the people weren't very happy to be there but it's 4 generations and a fun one to have.

Organizing my scraproom, one brad at a time...
We moved in to our new home just two weeks ago and of course my scraparea is the last area that will get any attention. I have been planning it though and I started to get some things done this past week that I'm really excited about. At my local Home Depot, I found stainless steel kitchen organizing items that will work wonderfully for my scrapstuff!
I mounted each of the bars to the wall with wall anchors and then added the different hanging accessories to it. You can see in the pictures that I have a spice rack on the top shelf with my brads and eyelets in it. I also have a spice rack on the middle shelf. There is a papertowel holder that I'm planning on putting ribbon spools in. Maybe I should put papertowels in it though in case of kidlets visiting my room with drinks or the inevitable paint spill.
I'm really happy with how this is going, I'm hoping that these will be a huge help in keeping my scrap area clean. Probably not, but one can hope!
Monday Challenge -- Hidden Meaning
Catherine the Challenge Goddess is on vacation this week, and you get me instead. This week's challenge is called Hidden Meaning. You know how the advertising industry loves to mess with our heads by tossing in subtle subliminal messages? I want you to somehow signify the age of at least one person in the pictures you are scrapping by anything other than actually writing the number (and writing the word spelling the number doesn't count, either...nice try). You can do this in any number of ways...number of brads, number of patterned papers, flowers, etc.
In my example, I did it twice. There are 8 small flowers to show Shona's age and then, because I couldn't leave Katy out, there are 16 little white dots next to the title for her age. You don't have to be that subtle about it. Maybe do a birthday page with their age in candle brads beneath the picture. However you want to do it. This is actually a rather fun challenge. No one might ever catch on just by looking at your page, but it's something different to aim for.
P.S. Today is my birthday, so in order to celebrate, I will put everyone who completes this week's challenge into a drawing for a RAK. Happy scrapping!

In my example, I did it twice. There are 8 small flowers to show Shona's age and then, because I couldn't leave Katy out, there are 16 little white dots next to the title for her age. You don't have to be that subtle about it. Maybe do a birthday page with their age in candle brads beneath the picture. However you want to do it. This is actually a rather fun challenge. No one might ever catch on just by looking at your page, but it's something different to aim for.
P.S. Today is my birthday, so in order to celebrate, I will put everyone who completes this week's challenge into a drawing for a RAK. Happy scrapping!

Tiny Scrappers : Part Deux
Last week we had the pleasure of having my eight year old niece stay with us. She'd received a scrapbooking kit from Santa this past Christmas so she was delighted to get the opportunity to scrap with Aunt Julie. I wish I'd had a camera when she got her first glimpse of JulieWorld. It was like Disney to her little eyes but after an afternoon of scrapping I realized that there were just too many choices for her. The next day I gathered up a bunch of older supplies and some blank cards and set my daughter and niece up at the kitchen table for a "card-a-thon." They were so entertained by it that we left everything out for the entirety of her visit. (And my much neglected dining room actually got some use.) When we did clean up I handed my niece a gallon baggie and told her she could take whatever she wanted home with her. She was thrilled. I also sent her home with several old issues of Papercrafts and Creating Keepsakes. I have no doubt that she's spread out at my sister's kitchen table right now.

They made some beautiful cards and their creativity never ceases to amaze me.
6/30 Ad Challenge
Stuck in a rut ...
You ever have that happen? You get stuck on one color, one design element, one kind of embellishment and you can't get away from it? What do you do? GO WITH IT!
Yes, go with it. Let it go, let it happen. You're scrapping right? You're getting pages done, memories captured, stories saved? Then let it go.
Years from now no one will be looking at your books talking about your white phase

or your hearts phase

or you die cut phase

or you wierd edges phase.

They'll be happy to be looking at the pages, seeing the pictures and enjoying the stories you've saved.
Yes, go with it. Let it go, let it happen. You're scrapping right? You're getting pages done, memories captured, stories saved? Then let it go.
Years from now no one will be looking at your books talking about your white phase

or your hearts phase

or you die cut phase

or you wierd edges phase.

They'll be happy to be looking at the pages, seeing the pictures and enjoying the stories you've saved.
6/23 Monday Challenge....and it's very edgy.

Hey there, everyone! I have an early, busy morning tomorrow and am posting this just a little early. The challenge for this week is an interesting one, I think. I want you to create a layout that has an edge that is NOT straight. Wavy, scalloped, pick. Here is an example of one I did last week with the Eiffel Tower kit for an online class I'm taking, to illustrate what I mean. There's that wavy, pretty paper just hanging out there free in the breeze, not attached to any background cardstock. Makes for an interesting look.
It's time to let that imagination run wild with the edges of a layout. Give it a try!
Scrapbooking the hard things...

It's fun to flip through our albums and see all the wonderful things that we celebrate; birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, losing teeth, new babies...
But, sometimes we need to get real. It's hard to write about things that are not so happy, but I think that it's necessary for future generations who look through our work to know that not everything was rosy all the time and that that is OK!
So, I'm sharing a couple of layouts that I have done that are of difficult times. The first one is a letter to our daughter about an argument that her daddy and I had and how I was sorry for how I acted. The second is about the day I found out that our daughter had cerebral palsy.
Here's the journaling for the 1st one:
Your daddy and I got into a fight today. No, not on the day that I took this photo, the fight took place almost a year later. This photo of you, taken on a day so long ago, seems to capture your innocence and your character that you showed today. The argument that Daddy and I got in today was one that no child should have to witness. We said mean and hurtful things to each other. We called each other names. Mommy even threw something. All of this in front of you and Joshua’s watchful, trusting eyes. At one point, you ran up to your room. Later, when things were calmer, you came back out. You went to Daddy and told him that you were scared and had gone to your room to pray. You told Daddy that you asked Jesus and God to help you get Mommy and Daddy to stop fighting. Thank you Jordan, for your strength and your faith. I’m sorry about the fight and especially about letting you and your brother watch. I am so thankful though, that God sent you to us, you are an angel from Heaven, a most precious child.
Journaling for the second one:
Of course Daddy and I knew that there was something wrong., You were a little big late walking, you had an odd crawl, you kind of tip toed, and your right leg muscle was not developing like your left. We were referred to a physiatrist in Indiana who diagnosed you with a tight right heel cord. We could handle that. You started physical therapy, had botox, serial casting, and wore an ankle foot orthotic. Really, we could handle it.When we moved to Iowa, we went to a new physiatrist who recommended a different kind of therapy. We waited to hear from our insurance and that was when we found out. I opened the letter and scanned it. No one had told us. No one had said those words to us before. Here it is, in black, viciously circled, denied, not medically necessary. It hurt. Plain and simple, it hurt. I called the doctor, called the insurance; told them it was wrong, just wrong to not tell me the diagnosis, to let me find out like this. It didn’t take long though, not long at all, for me to look at you are realize. It doesn’t matter what the doctors say, what the insurance says, what anyone says, you are still our sweet little Jordy Girl!
6/16 Monday Challenge

Now don't panic! I don't want you thinking about Christmas quite yet....unless you want to. After what I thought was a totally easy challenge last week that didn't get many takers, I'm going to stretch your brains this week. I want you to use holiday paper on a non-holiday layout. Something like this:
I took a patriotic-themed kit and used it for a layout that didn't relate at all to the theme. So that's your challenge this week.
Where is the scrapbooker?

Good photos or bad you need to be in your scrapbooks! These photos are not very good. They are taken in a gymnasium and outside as it was getting dark. They were also taken by my family who I must admit are getting better at photos.
I will include these photos in a BOM (Book of Me) page to document my struggle as a working mom to complete my Associates in Applied Science Travel and Tourism. It took me 2 years, 8 quarters and over 30 classes (not include previous college I got credit for.) I am the first one in my family to graduate too. It is an accomplishment that I am very proud of.
So... the next time you look at your books.... ask yourself WHERE IS THE SCRAPBOOKER? If you don't see yourself, hand over the camera and scrap the photos they take... good or bad. You and the generations that follow will be happy you did.

Monday Challenge!

Good Morning, Everyone! I'm glad to "see" you this Monday morning. Of course, you know that Mondays bring new challenges, so let's get started.
This week's challenge is going to be so very easy. All you have to do is do a very little bit of journaling on a layout.....and then change it up a little. I want a layout that has journaling words that jump out, like you can see in the journaling about Easter in my layout.
See how some of the words are larger and different colors, drawing attention to them? This is so easy to do. Type your journaling in a word processing program (like Word). Go back and highlight a word you want to emphasize. Change its color and/or its size, then go to the next word, repeating this process.
Let's hit the highlights in our journaling this week!
Teacher Appreciation Album
As a "end of the year thank you" to my first grade daughter's teacher I created a year in review album that the class presented to her earlier in the week. In addition to the traditional scrapbook pages that I created I had each of the students create their own "I Love Mrs. X Because" page so it was a very special album indeed. She was surprised and thrilled, which in turn thrilled me.
Watch this month's newsletter for sample pages and ideas on how you can create a special, one of a kind gift for the wonderful teacher in your child's life.
School Info Sheet

I want all of you to learn from my mistake, so I'm posting about this now. I made the questionnaire in a Word Document. It includes the following "questions" to be filled out by your child in their own handwriting:
My favorite subject
Subject I like the least
At recess I like to
I like to play with these friends at recess
At lunch I like to sit with
Field trips I went on
My favorite book
My favorite lunch to buy
My best friend(s)
I won these prizes and/or awards
The best thing this year was
The worst thing this year was
I am best at
What I like the best about school
I’m looking forward to second grade because
When I grow up I want to be a
My signature
You can modify the "questions" to suit your purposes. This is also the second/right-hand page (the white spaces are where my son's school and last name are listed). For the first/left-hand page, I put my child's Fall and Spring photos (they had two taken that year) and the class photo. I'm printing out three of these ASAP for each of my kids in school so I can finally getting back on track to documenting these school memories!
6/2 Monday Challenge--It's a Feature Presentation

Morning, Everyone!
We've got summer vacation in full swing at my house, which means I'm seeing a lot of my kidlets. This week, I want you to create a layout which concentrates on one can be one of yours, one of your kids' or if you have SBGs, one of theirs, too. Something like this:
My SGB's eyes:
It can be what you consider your/their best feature or worst. If you have multiple kidlets, maybe they have a feature in common. In any case, let's see some feature presentations this week.
A Month of Challenges

June is going to be a challenging month for all you loyal SA scrappers. I have 15 challenges that I will issue over the month of June. Most of the challenges will involve you finding a ScrapAddict kit (virgin or tarnished) and a ScrapAddict sketch to use to complete the challenge. To give you peek at the challenges and an idea of what's to come here is the first challenge....
Scrap a Quirk using a virgin or tarnished SA kit and sketch. Here is my example for quirks.
The journaling is a bit hard to see it says this: Quirks, quirky, quirkiness….such a fun little word. I have a little quirk, bet you do too…..oh, you know, quirks, oddities, peculiarities, idiosyncrasies, eccentricities, okay so you all understand what I mean-I’m talking about those OCD tendencies we all seem to have.
Why did you move the magazine on the coffee table? It’s supposed to be at this end, not in the middle. When setting the table the plate always goes first, then the fork, then the knife and then the spoon, never in any other order because in any other order it’s just not right.
You never want to play cards with Katie, well, okay you can play cards with her but bring your own. Well, maybe not cause she would still have to sort them first before shuffling, sort them in her can’t shuffle unsorted playing cards. Why? Well, because they are unsorted, that’s why!! She collects playing cards, opens them, sorts them according to her particular order and then puts them back in their box. After playing with them you can’t put them back in their box without them being sorted. Don’t even attempt to put them back, you take your life in your hands...Step away from the cards and NOBODY will be hurt. When at my folks house she was cleaning their drawers, found 2 decks of cards and stopped to sort them in the “proper Katie order.”
Yep, that’s my Katie, the quirky card shark!
Check the Challenge thread tomorrow for more challenges and more information on the challenges....lets see what quirks you have.
35% off all Regular priced items and Garage Sale this weekend!
Got News?! 5/28/08
Garage Sale Details:
We still have a few spaces available! Please stop in during business hours (sat-May 31st 10-8pm and sun- June 1st-12-5pm) to shop our great Garage sale. Items are already coming in and they are awesome. We will accept only cash/check payments for people shopping the garage sale. Credit cards can be used for our regular store items (min of $10 must be spent to us a CC)35% off sale in our STORE
Also during the store hours on Sat and Sunday we will be having a BIG sale- 35% off on all regularly priced items! We had such great luck with it before that we are running the sale again. NO COUPONS NEEDED!!!!!Sale is only for Sat/Sun. It will run for ONE week for our online customers- 5/31/08 until 6/7/08. Does not apply to shipping or gift cards/subscriptions or gift certificates, clearance or sales items/preorder items/special order items. Kits not on sale do or clearance items of any kind are not part of this sale and will be rung up separately.
ONLINE orders will have the sales amt applied MANUALLY after we pack your order. Can be applied more than once. No backorders will be given and online customers will NOT receive any prior notification to out of stock items.
STORE HOURS AND LOCATION:If you are new to us....we are open M-F 12pm-8pm andSat 10am-8pm and Sunday 12-5pm.Our sign is currently being made for the front of our if you can't find us do not hesitate to call us at 815-609-5955.We are located on Route 30 in Plainfield.....we are just past 135th (towards 143rd) on the side OPPOSITE the Walgreen's. We are a unit in the BACK of the Plainfield Small Business Center....behind J.Todd's Steakhouse, down the strip from Coco's Chocolates and almost behind Rosal's.Check out our BLOG!!!!
Got Crops?!: Dates for upcoming crops!Please note...any crops with 3 or less people will end at normal store closing hours rather than the listed hours.Croppers are welcome during ANY of our normal business hours as long as we have space....we welcome you free of charge during these hours!May:24th- Sat- $530th -$5 friday10am-Midnight- Limited to 8 pplJune:6th - Friday- $5-10am-Midnight13th Friday- $15 and Saturday- Pasta- $10-14th-Sat- $510am-10pm21- $10 Sat- Pasta10am-10pm27th- $510am-MidnightPasta Crop includes dinner -- homemade pasta sauce, pasta, bread and salad. Please bring snacks to share.Private Crops: If you have a group of 6 or more we will allow private crops - minimum of 6 people at $10 a person. Call for full details!
Wed- May 28th- 7-9pm $32Basic Grey Boxer Card ClassCome out and make 10 All Occasion cards. All materials provide except ink and adhesive. Sign up is limited to 10 people. Another winner from Basic Grey-their cards are always the prettiest ever.June 7th Saturday- 11-2pm -$18This class gives you a layout that is 12x12 and then an adorable card holder add on layout. Sandy will be teaching this class. This great layout documents all about WHY we scrapbook. All materials besides adhesive provided. Please bring your tools.Kids Berry Sweet Purse Class- Mon. June 9th- 6-7:30pm- $8 Sign up for this cute kids class- for ages 5-Middle school.
ONE CHANGE: This class comes with two books per kit- so for the $15 price- TWO teens can sign up!!!!!!!!!Teen Berry Sweet Planner Album- $15- Fri- Jun 20th 6:30-9pmThis class is for middle school students through high schoolers. Join us to make this great keepsake album about your friends and your life.Another layout class will be scheduled for later in June. More details in a new newsletter!Creative Photography III Class-$40 - Sunday June 22nd- 5pm You've been waiting and now you can sign up. This class will be held on location at a local park on June 22nd- Sunday at 5pm. Please note: You will not be bringing your children at this time. You will however receive a coupon for a free portrait with Cari later. There will be models there for us to practice with. If it's raining we'll have it a week later on June 29th. Space is limited and we'll open a 2nd one in July if needed. We are only allowing 8 people to attend so everyone gets Cari's attention. Also please note..only people with digital SLR cameras are able to take this course!
Save 50% on ONE item! No coupon code for online needed- simply mention the coupon when checking out and we'll apply it to your most expensive item.For local customers and online- coupon is only good ONCE per customer. Not valid on gift card purchases or gift certificates. Not valid on kit subscriptions or on any clearance/sales items Also not valid on preorder items. Item must be in stock at time of order- no backorders given. Not valid on shipping. For in store customers COUPON MUST BE GIVEN to be applied. No exceptions.Coupon cannot BE COMBINED with any other sale or discount or coupon.Offer Expires: 5/29/08
This email was sent to, by
Scrap Addict, Inc | 13717 South US Route 30, Suite 147 | 815-609-5955 | Plainfield | IL | 60544![]()
Design Team Member and Co-Design Team Coordinator - 
School is coming to an end ...
School is almost over. The kids are getting antsy, ready for classes to be out and the freedom of summer to begin. But before school gets out take a minute for a few last-minute pictures and use them to make some fun end-of-the-year layouts. Here are some ideas:
- First Day/Last Day photos. Compare a picture of them on their first day of their current grade and on the last day. Note the changes.
- Take photos of the child with their teacher. Have them write a little something about their teacher and their experiences with him/her.
- As you child to dictate their experience in this particular grade. Ask them what they learned, what their favorite thing was, who their friends are, what they liked to do, etc.
- Don't forget the friends! An important part of any childs school experience is their friends. Take photos of your son/daughter with some of their best friends and do a layout with them.
Time is running short. Take those pictures now. I can't wait to see all the layouts!!!
AD Challenge for May 26th

I hope you all are enjoying the long weekend.
We will be leaving early in the morning for Memorial Day festivities so I am posting
today's Ad Challenge a bit early.
We had our big NSD Crop a couple of weeks ago and one of the challenges was to use the
title.....If Only. I racked my brain trying to come up with something. I came across this ad
and was immediately inspired. I love the circles!

As you can see in my interpretation of the ad I changed some of the circles to squares, as well as changing the orientation of the layout to landscape. AND, I used no photos! GASP!
We will be leaving early in the morning for Memorial Day festivities so I am posting
today's Ad Challenge a bit early.
We had our big NSD Crop a couple of weeks ago and one of the challenges was to use the
title.....If Only. I racked my brain trying to come up with something. I came across this ad
and was immediately inspired. I love the circles!

As you can see in my interpretation of the ad I changed some of the circles to squares, as well as changing the orientation of the layout to landscape. AND, I used no photos! GASP!
Let's see how this ad can inspire you!
Be sure to post your creations in the gallery for all to see!
Have a great week!
Organizing your kits
Ok, you've signed up for all your wonderful Scrapaddict kits, now what do you do with them. Scrap them , of course! Unless you are like 99.9% of the SA subscription fans who can't use up the kits in the month they arrive. are offficially a hoarder. There are many different ways of organizing the kits so you have them right at your finger tips. My personal organization is the no organization method. I have a large plastic file box that I picked up at office max. Once the kits arrive and I fondle them a bit, I just slip them in the front of the box. This way they stay in order by month (relatively)and they are right by my desk. If you are the organized type, you can use the cardboard that comes in the box to make dividers so if you do happen to take a kit out of the box, it can go right back where it belongs. You can also use these homemade dividers to sort your kit by colors, theme, manufacturers, etc. Whatever. However you decide to organize your kits, make sure you take them out every once in awhile and use them up! Here's my "organization"

Sketch Challenge
5/19 Monday Challenge

I hope you are all rested up from our catch-up challenge this week. I promised you that after giving you a catch up week last week (and I certainly got some catching up done....), that this week would be a thinker. For some of you it will be harder than others. It will require you to locate two different photos from different time periods.
I want a layout this week that compares a photo of you or someone in your family as a baby/child, to that same person older. I also want you to think about the story you want to tell. Is it simply the passage of time? Or is there something else that you are thinking of? I have done this in a couple of ways as you can see here. In any case, that's your challenge for the week. Start digging for those older photos and tell some kind of story....make a connection between then and now.
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