June is going to be a challenging month for all you loyal SA scrappers. I have 15 challenges that I will issue over the month of June. Most of the challenges will involve you finding a ScrapAddict kit (virgin or tarnished) and a ScrapAddict sketch to use to complete the challenge. To give you peek at the challenges and an idea of what's to come here is the first challenge....
Scrap a Quirk using a virgin or tarnished SA kit and sketch. Here is my example for quirks.
The journaling is a bit hard to see it says this: Quirks, quirky, quirkiness….such a fun little word. I have a little quirk, bet you do too…..oh, you know, quirks, oddities, peculiarities, idiosyncrasies, eccentricities, okay so you all understand what I mean-I’m talking about those OCD tendencies we all seem to have.
Why did you move the magazine on the coffee table? It’s supposed to be at this end, not in the middle. When setting the table the plate always goes first, then the fork, then the knife and then the spoon, never in any other order because in any other order it’s just not right.
You never want to play cards with Katie, well, okay you can play cards with her but bring your own. Well, maybe not cause she would still have to sort them first before shuffling, sort them in her order...you can’t shuffle unsorted playing cards. Why? Well, because they are unsorted, that’s why!! She collects playing cards, opens them, sorts them according to her particular order and then puts them back in their box. After playing with them you can’t put them back in their box without them being sorted. Don’t even attempt to put them back, you take your life in your hands...Step away from the cards and NOBODY will be hurt. When at my folks house she was cleaning their drawers, found 2 decks of cards and stopped to sort them in the “proper Katie order.”
Yep, that’s my Katie, the quirky card shark!
Check the Challenge thread tomorrow for more challenges and more information on the challenges....lets see what quirks you have.
OK - this sounds like fun! Thanks for the challenges!
That's an interesting challenge and sounds like a whole month of FUN ahead for June! :)
This is fun!!
Looks like fun! Love the first challenge :O)
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