
It's Monday!

And that usually means I'm issuing you some kind of challenge, but today, I'm giving you a pass. Why? Well because the annual NSD cyber crop is going on and there are so many challenge and activities to keep you occupied! Here are a couple of layout I've done over the weekend (the only two layouts I've done in the past week, but that's another story), using an ad challenge and a sketch challenge. Head on over to the boards and see what's in store for the week.


Deanna said...

These are both wonderful, Catherine! Really adorable photo of your DGS! :)

Anonymous said...

Love these layouts & yes - time to get cracking on the crop challenges!

Momma Jan said...

Catherine I just love that little dgs of yours, those eyes...the lo about your son, I understand your mother's feelings, lol

Jill said...

that photo of him is outstanding!!! Love it.