Morning, Everyone!
We've got a really, REALLY easy Monday challenge for you this week. Create a layout with a border made of words this week. (The Scary layout was a lift of an Autumn Leaves calendar page.)
Business item....
I'll be leaving Friday for NZ and will be gone for 10 days. You will be having 2 wonderful substitutes for Monday challenges while I'm gone. Linda will take the first week, and Annette will take the second Monday.

There were 5 ladies who somehow got past the ramblings of my instructions for last week's challenge to create a total of 6 layouts! WTG!
Now get going on this week's!
Enjoy your trip and thanks for all the challenges-now if I can just find the time and space to scrap!
That's a great challenge, Catherine and hope you have a relaxing, adventureous trip!
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