do you have them in the right year?
do you have them labeled with the specific date?
what type of container do you store your photos in?
whichever one of the statements you fit into i believe there is always a bit/piece of someone's organization style that could work for you. in addition to sharing mine...i hope that you share how you store your photos so i can gather more ideas as well.
i, personally, need to have my photos in chronological order (yes, i'm type A, LOL). i however, since joining SA, don't scrap in chronological order though. totally enjoying the freedom it provides to go with your gut & scrap a set of photos that you're inspired by at the time! love that! & it took me only 9 years to figure that one out! LOL
i have created a document in Word that helps me keep my dates in order. each time i take photos & upload to costco i add the new events into the document. another benefit of this system is that when i assemble my albums i know how the pages should go in. i created a table with 4 separate for the date, the second is who's album it goes into (which of my 3 girls), the third is for the occasion/event & lastly is if it's done. also, when a layout totally is done (if for all three girls i wait & cross off when all three are done) i cross it off with a light colored marker. i keep a printed copy in my scrapbooking area at all times for reference when it comes time to date each layout.
i also use this list when i go through magazines or see an idea online that i want to use for a layout...i make notes off to the side of it's "line" in the table. if it's a loose sheet of paper i printed i put it with the photos as well. if it's a page in an idea book i just write down the page number along with what book it is.
as far as organizing my photos... i have them in a hanging file folder box & keep every event in its own folder. i just thumb through when i scrapbook & find something that "moves me" at the time...if i need to know the date...i look on my sheet & find it quickly & having to remember at all! :)
please share how you organize your photos...i love learning new ideas in this area!
i didn't realize until i uploaded this post that my photo of my 2 pages has on there lynne's new little guy's name on there when she told me about a month ago what name they chose...the stars are on there for her as she'll soon find out :)
Great ideas for organizing photos Janelle!
When my photos come (usually from Snapfish) I sit down at the computer with a stack of 4x6 index cards. I write the date and any journaling on the index card, put the pics behind the card and file them in chronological order. Once I find a kit that I want to use I put the index card and pics in the kit pkg. I love the system-it really works for me!
Great ideas about the photos! My digital ones are all organized by date and under each person on my computer of the ones I haven't scrapped yet. On the older print photos they are all in albums chronologically. Everything quite neat and organized here! Also, DH backs up all our digital photos and makes copies for the grandkids.
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