Hi, everyone, my name is Lily Goldsmith and I'm scrapaddicts newest design team member. Most of you know that this is actually a home coming for me. I first discovered scrapaddict back in 2003 when a girlfriend showed me her kits. I was so impressed that I joined the site immediately and signed up for my own kits. While I joined for the kits, I was quickly caught up in the wonderful camaraderie of the message boards. Eventually, Felicia chose me as a dt member, where I remained until the beginning of last year. After I left the dt I wandered the net a bit. I found another site and applied and was accepted for their dt. While it was a wonderful experience, I always felt like a visitor in someone else's home so I continued to hang out a bit on the message baords here. Meanwhile, I was talking to Felicia about something unrelated. I mentioned how much I missed being a part of the scrapaddict dt and asked if she had any open spots. I think she took pity on it me and invited me back to the design team when my term at the other site ended. The rest as they say, is history. I was so excited to begin my duties in april and I am still in awe of the wonderful kits Felicia puts out month after month, year after year. You'd think it'd get old after 5 years but they just keep getting better and better. Even while I wasn't as active on the boards, I continued to receive the kits. I wasn't sorry that I took the opportunity to check the waters at other sites but as Dorothy from the wizard of Oz said "if I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own back yard. Because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with!".
Welcome "home" Lily! Happy to see you back on the DT!
Great layout & welcome home!
Welcome back, Lily! I'm so happy you're back!!!
I love your last set of lines. It's so good to have you back Lil! I missed you.
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