
4/7 Monday Challenge

Morning, Everyone!
We've got a really, REALLY easy Monday challenge for you this week. Create a layout with a border made of words this week. (The Scary layout was a lift of an Autumn Leaves calendar page.)

Business item....
I'll be leaving Friday for NZ and will be gone for 10 days. You will be having 2 wonderful substitutes for Monday challenges while I'm gone. Linda will take the first week, and Annette will take the second Monday.
I really appreciate their help. Linda is also trading me ad Mondays in April. Her ad will appear on the 14th and mine will appear on the 28th. Thank you!

There were 5 ladies who somehow got past the ramblings of my instructions for last week's challenge to create a total of 6 layouts! WTG!

Now get going on this week's! Very Happy


Laura said...

Enjoy your trip and thanks for all the challenges-now if I can just find the time and space to scrap!

Deanna said...

That's a great challenge, Catherine and hope you have a relaxing, adventureous trip!